Sunday, February 24, 2008

Arrival in Seoul!

My flight arrived at the Incheon Airport on Thursday evening. I have been staying with the host family from my previous trip and trying to adjust to the various everyday differences from my life back in the states. The wife does not speak much English, so we have been attempting to make use of broken Korean and English words and phrases to communicate, which is probably good for the both of us. We both need practice. At the Co-Ex mall, we were writing words on a napkin in an attempt to make sense of the day's plans and learn a little more about one another. It's definitely a switch to go from primarily hearing English (or other various langauges while traveling) to mostly Korean. Korean dramas. Korean radio stations. Korean food. Korean conversation. 한국어, 한국어, 한국어 (Korean, Korean, Korean)... And attempting to converse with the sales clerk about a purchasing a cell phone is... difficult (even with someone to help translate).

Oh, and I'm trying to get used to announcing that I am 23 years old (Korean age) instead of 21 (in the states).

Last night we went over to a relative's (brother's) home to watch a professional soccer game (Korea vs. Japan). My eyes were glued to the screen and I'm usually not a huge sports fan. Soccer is very popular in Korea. I would love to watch a live game while I am here. The World Cup takes place in 2008, but tickets are VERY hard to come by.

Tomorrow I will move to my dormitory or apartment. Orientation begins on Tuesday! Until then, take care!

My CIEE group!

1 comment:

Michele said...


I am glad that you have made it to Korea! It seems like you are doing very well.
Keep posting! I love to read of your adventures.