Thursday, July 10, 2008

Life at Ewha: Nothing to Hide ^^

Literally across the street (although traffic is a bit more of an obstacle here than in MN) from Yonsei University sits Ewha Womens' University. It is here that my 3-week language program shall begin (and end sooner than I and my fellow program participants may time is very valueable ^^). First off, I'll get this out of the way (before you see any photos), the university's title may seem a little misleading because male students can study at Ewha; however, I believe it's only open to men international students during the summer session (but this is just a guess). So, besides this loophole (for the guys that is) Ewha remains a womens' university (the most famous female university in Korea). To be honest, I haven't scoped out the entire campus because I have been venturing back-and-forth between my previous campus (apparently Yonsei is still on my good side ^^) and Ewha.

My placement test landed me in level 2, which is definitely a challenge. The class is conducted entirely in Korean, which is probably the best way to learn (out of necessity), so immediately I was given a wake-up call, "Need to work on my listening and speaking skills...practice (hopefully) makes perfect." I need to make practical conversation more a priority instead of just grammar, but it is difficult because in level 2, there are so many grammar points that I need to catch up on. However, what I would prefer getting out of this experience is the skill to communicate at least the point that I will have a stronger (although I already plan to return here) reason and desire to travel back to Korea in the near future. The levels are Ewha are a bit different than Yonsei because they are split into mini levels within each level such as 1.1, 1.2... We shall see. Let's hope that sitting in a class (no doozing off allowed or Emily will become a little more than a teensy bit confused). My class consists of two students from Hong Kong, two from France, one from Canada and three from Japan. Everyone seems cool including the teachers, which is reassuring. Let's see if they can top my Yonsei class though haha. No, I won't do rankings because everyone is amusing in a different way. I'm trying to continue to meet with my friends from the previous semester (and in between stage-vacation time) as well as get to know people from this program. Can I extend my stay please? ;)

By the way, the graduate dormitories are quite a sight. The rooms are spacious (meaning the beds are not 1 inch...excuse me cm... apart), have a modern look/feel and there is no curfew (unlike many of the dorms in Korea). I have even adjusted to the Korean-style bathrooms with the shower and toilet smashed into the same room. Remember my earlier blog (Bangkok) I was quite frightened or rather irritated by the idea of showering in the same area as going to the bathroom? This phenomenon no longer bothers me. Actually I find it rather convenient, as long as the drain remains clogfree. I think of this style bathroom as a quick way to hosed0wn the floor every 24 hours.

Yet again I have landed myself a good roommate. Phew. Grace is another Children's Home Society/Eastern program participant, who is from Oklahoma.
We'll be in touch soon.

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