Monday, July 21, 2008

Last few days in Seoul

Below:[Kelly & me after bungee jumping. Yes, those are...velcro straps]-->

It's 7:41am in Korea. The air in my dormitory seems damp, but then again the past few days have been accumulating a fair amount of moisture (given that it is the rainy season). My roommate returned to the states early, so the room is quiet with the exception of the random beeping of the air-conditioner and sounds of water droplets from my bathroom which is still freshly soaked from a shower that gave the entire room a good stray-down.

This past week (actually past month) has been filled with goodbyes and last minute attempts to catch a glimpse of my favorite places (and unexplored places) in Seoul. To be honest, when asked what my favorite moment was during the semester it is extremely difficult to narrow it down to a single time, person, place or ...single anything. It has been the accumulation of events unfolding throughout the semester, building of relationships, instances filled with "uh-huh" moments in which I feel like I am starting to belong in this place across the Pacific and random everyday happenings. Although I am writing you with the knowledge that I will entering an airplane in a little over 3 days, this nugget of information has not sunk in. Actually, I prefer to stay this way. Perhaps my mild version of insomnia has been helping distort this bit of reality. I have been trying to avoid the last moments of goodbye or rather get it over quickly. I'm even going back to the home that I tutored at to say goodbye once again... I'm kind of a softy. The kid that I tutored was a sweetie, so how can I not go back and say goodbye (no...good luck with the next year)?
I prefer leaving with a smile because that's what this trip has been right? Full of memories and good times, so why change that at the last moment? Some friendships I have made in my previous travels (before the semester) I am still holding onto, so I'm hoping these relationships will be no different. Yes, relationships will change overtime but change is not necessarily a bad thing. Actually it's necessary and keeps things interesting, so here goes. I wonder if I have changed at all while I have been abroad.
Study abroad advisers, professors, friends back home and so on are always talking about how people "change" after coming back from abroad. It just depends in what way. I think the level of change just depends on each individual case. During this semester, I know I have grown (not far as I am aware of but you know what I mean) but not necessarily "changed" (at least by the definition that you have in mind. I have been trying to be open-minded to nearly everything during this experience but at the same have held on pretty tightly to who I am. So, as far as I know, good ol' Emily Kessel is coming back to MN. I might make several attempts to dodge my plane flight, but in the end the inevitable will happen (I'll some how make it onto that plane...actually 3 planes given my layovers). So, no worries.

Off to class. I'm taking all my language exams on Wednesdays, so after that I'll try to make a slight change to my blog or update my facebook status to let you know that I survived. ;) haha. Despite the studying, these next days will be filled with good times. I'm letting anything get in the way (except perhaps a briefsnooze in class... ^^ Until I see you again, take care!
Wherever this blog decided to place this photo:[first night out with the group from the ESWS/ Ewha's language program] -->

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