Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Korean Class and Fish Ice cream

This is my my Korean language class (one of our two teachers (선생님). I'm not going to lie. Our class is a good time. Yes, we celebrate birthdays(생일) with cake (less sweet than what I am used to in the states, but still quite satisfying). And yes we play number games (삼, 육, 구...) for ice cream in the basement of the KLI (Korean Language Institute). Jealous? I know. Besides, how can you pass up such "angelic" faces? haha. I love my class, for the language course material and the people.

As was demonstrated in a previous blog (corn ice cream), Korea holds many wonders and fish ice cream is one of my favorites.

A few updates:
-Survived midterms: I typed up a lengthy vocab, grammar sheet for myself which proved to be quite useful. Apparently, old study habits that developed in the US aren't shed as you fly overseas. This much I am thankful for. Plus, Korean typing is actually quite entertaining (although not as amusing as Korean text messaging--문저).
-Watched 2 independent films at a Women's Film Festival: Hounded (German film), Never Forever (Korean film)
-heu-die-ee-deu chee-kin (fried chicken)
-Started buk(북)/ drumming practice-- every day (and/or night) for 2 weeks! Talk about a mind and body workout

More updates to come... in the near future. So keep your eyes glued to this site (not literally though... or I will feel bad). ;)

1 comment:

jjk said...

Dear Emily,

I came across your blog and wanted to ask you some questions about the Yonsei drumming team. Can you please email me?

Thank you!