Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A time of readjustment

As you may have guessed, I am back in Minnesota. Actually, a couple days after I landed back in the states I drove up north to Grand Marais with my parents for the week. We take this little jaunt every summer, so luckily even with my 6 month get-away we were able to head to Lake Superior once again. Didi stayed kept an eye on the house for us. ;)

Given that last night was my first time back in the cities, I haven't had much time to gather my thoughts about being back in the US. I did a great deal of thinking (probably too much but that's what being in a remote allows) in Grand Marais and I suppose this was a good location to permit the jumble of thoughts and feelings emerge. To be honest, I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I am not going back to Korea (at least for a while). I feel like I am vacationing in Minnesota and heading back home to Seoul. I miss Korea so much already, but that's normal right? Reminiscing about your study abroad experience? The so-called "life changing" experience. Actually, I think study abroad should be mandatory (at least for the most part) because the students who don't choose to study abroad are often the ones who need this experience the most. I am recognizing various changes in myself (whether they are outwardly noticeable I don't know, but internally is more important to me). People have repeatedly told me it's a "growing," "time of your life," "out-of-body" experience. And well, this is one time where "I told you so" seems appropriate. However, it has only been a little over a week since I've been placed back in the states, so I know the adventure (make my mind pipe down just a little please) is far from over. It just seems strange to watch 6 months of my life end and return to what was once considered to be my normal life. I'm a pretty adaptable person, but this may take some getting use to. Either way my senior year (and all the hype-both good and bad-that comes with it) is quickly approaching. Don't worry. I will give it my all as usual, but I have a feeling that my travels will not cease to enter my mind on a regular basis.

My life may not be as interesting now that I have returned to the normalcy of life in St. Paul, but I may be updating this blog every once in a while (whether anyone reads it or not!) Thanks for following me on my journeys throughout the past months. ^^